Tuesday, September 16, 2008

20 Months in Baghdad

By David Ignatius
Wednesday, September 17, 2008; Page A19

BAGHDAD -- The night before Gen. David Petraeus turned over command here, a group of senior officers gathered at Camp Victory to say goodbye. It was like a football team's testimonial dinner at the end of a winning season: There were steaks and baked potatoes and a highlight film of the general's 20-month command, scored with rock music, called "Surge of Hope."

The signature line of the video was a statement Petraeus made to Congress when he began what seemed to many people like mission impossible: "Hard is not hopeless." That was his closing comment, too, as he relinquished command in an elaborate ceremony yesterday at the gilded Al Faw Palace. But now, he said, Iraq was "still hard but hopeful."

Petraeus did something astonishing here. It wasn't simply managing the "surge" of U.S. troops, whose precise effects military historians will be debating for years. It was that he restored confidence and purpose for a military that had begun to think, deep down, that this war was unwinnable and unsustainable.

By force of will, Petraeus and his president, George W. Bush, turned that around. They didn't win in Iraq, but they created the possibility of an honorable exit.

Petraeus still doesn't have an answer to the haunting question he asked in March 2003 as the war was beginning: "Tell me how this ends." The ending almost certainly will be ragged; Iraq's political institutions are still fragile and in some cases nonexistent; the country could still be sundered by a Sunni-Shiite civil war. But Iraq now has at least a chance to make it.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates put it eloquently yesterday when he said of Petraeus, paraphrasing Gen. Douglas MacArthur: "You have built courage when courage seemed to fail; regained faith when there seemed to be little cause for faith; and created hope when hope had become forlorn."

Petraeus was the most political of generals, though not in the MacArthur man-on-horseback sense. He understood that part of his job was to communicate with the public -- through the media, through Congress, through his picture-perfect military demeanor. This zest for the public eye sometimes nearly derailed Petraeus; he was so assiduous in cultivating the media that reporters wondered how early he must rise to answer all his journalistic e-mail; his own aides muttered about how frequently the boss changed uniforms so that he would always look sharp.

But this media-savvy commander was precisely what the Iraq war needed in the age of 24/7 coverage. With President Bush largely discredited, Petraeus became the public face of the war. He was a political officer to an extent we rarely see in the American military, and through his quiet demeanor, he made it work.

Though Petraeus will go down as the "surge" commander, there's a lively debate within the military about just what accomplished the turnaround. Was it numbers -- the five additional combat brigades? Was it the new counterinsurgency tactics Petraeus instilled among his troops? Or was it the brutally efficient new intelligence tools used by U.S. Special Operations forces to hunt and kill members of al-Qaeda in Iraq?

The answer, surely, is that it was a combination of all of the above. But the virtuous cycle that developed in Iraq would have been impossible without the signal of American resolve that President Bush sent in backing Petraeus and his strategy. Iraq was hurtling toward civil war in 2006 in part because Iraqis thought we were about to bail out; Petraeus and the surge changed that psychology.

Will it last? That's hard to answer, even for Petraeus. All the forces that were tearing the Iraqi nation apart are still there; Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds are not yet reconciled to the idea of sharing power in a democratic state.

What's clear, though, even in a brief visit here, are signs that the Iraqi nation is regaining its sense of sovereignty: You see it in the new swagger of Iraqi generals such as Lt. Gen. Aboud Qanbar, the commander of Baghdad, a beefy man in a red beret and gaudy camouflage uniform; in the in-your-face bargaining by Iraqi politicians over the status-of-forces agreement with the United States; in the political dance of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who goes from a meeting with Gates to an iftar dinner with followers of former insurgent Moqtada al-Sadr.

Iraq is still a bruised country. It will bleed for years. But the very fact that it is still a country at all is a tribute to a remarkable American general and his insistence that "hard is not hopeless."

Thursday, August 21, 2008

How to Access the Preset Radio Stations of Your SanDisk Sansa

Accessing preset radio stations will save time when you want to listen to the radio using your SanDisk Sansa. You'll be able to locate stations you enjoy most without having to scroll through all the available stations. Follow these steps to find out how.

Articles resource

Start "Radio" from the main menu.

Go to the sub-menu.

Go to "Radio Options."

Select "View All Presets."

Select the "Preset" you want to listen to.

Find Real Lovers

Friday, August 15, 2008

How to Buy Cbeyond VoIP

Cbeyond is a telecom company that mainly caters to the needs of small businesses. Cbeyond offers customized VoIP packages with some unique customer support and purchasing their service is easy.


Evaluate your VoIP needs. Before buying a Cbeyond VoIP service, you should make a clear assessment of your present and future needs. If you are a small business company, Cbeyond may just work perfectly for you.

Visit the official Cbeyond website. Learn about features and services offered. Check new offers and promotions.

Click on the Schedule a Visit link on the homepage of the website. Fill in the form and a sales agent of the company will contact you to learn more about your needs. The agent would give you a customized service plan and rates. You can also call the toll free number 1-866-424-554 to learn more about Cbeyond services.

Explore the Cbeyond for Your Business service on the website. It gives you a clear assessment on what plan fits you perfectly with given employee size, internet connection and existing phone lines. For example, for a company size of 4-30 employees Beyond Voice 1 package is recommended.

Consider adding VoIP phone lines within a package. For example, you can purchase up to 15 landlines in Beyond Voice Package 1, 24 in Beyond Voice 2 and up to 48 lines in Beyond Voice 3 plans. Evaluate your options carefully.

Consider using mobile VoIP phone lines for convenient access. Ask the company representative about VoIP roaming.

Send an email to Cbeyond sales staff for specific query on inside.sales@Cbeyond.net.

Find and buy tickets by category

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

How to Buy Blank CDs

Blank CDs cost anywhere from 10 cents to more than $1 apiece. The kind you buy depends on your equipment and what you want to do.

Find and buy tickets by category

Check your computer manual to see if your CD burner is a CD-R (recordable) or a CD-RW (rewritable). Recordable discs can be used only once, but rewritable discs can be used over and over.

Keep in mind that blank CD-Rs will work in a CD-RW burner, but CD-RWs won't work in a CD-R burner.

Buy blank CDs with gold-tone on the bottom to record archival material, such as family photographs or financial records.

Get less-expensive green-toned CDs if you're making everyday copies of documents, photos, and music.

Buy CD-Rs (not CD-RWs) if you're recording music to be played on a portable or car stereo. Choose blank CDs labeled "Music," "Digital Audio" or "DA" if your CD burner is part of your system.

Find Real Lovers

Monday, August 11, 2008

How to Buy A High-End Plasma TV

If you are in the market for a high-end television, you have to consider getting a plasma HDTV. Some of the best televisions out are Pioneer and Panasonic. If you watch sports, an HDTV is a must. Do your research. Finding the TV that best fits your need can be tough. I have found that you get what you pay for. A more affordable plasma may mean sacrificing quality or even life of the screen.

Decide how big of a screen you can fit into your viewing area. The size of the set can generally be measured by the diagonal measure of the screen.

Go to a site that has good information of Plasma TVs, like http://www.plasmatvbuyingguide.com. Read some reviews and decide for yourself which one best suits your needs.

Once you've found the Plasma that best fits your needs, find a retailer that is reputed in your city as being the best. In the Puget Sound area, I got mine at http://www.magnoliaav.com. The service was great and the associates were knowledgable.

Look at three different televisions. You will notice a difference in each one. Try to get one that has a good screen, such as the Pioneer models. I suggest the Elite line. They have a honeycomb architecture and the picture quality is excellent.

Make sure that the set has all of the connection types that you need. A good set will have HDMI, Component and S-Video.

Pay for setup and installation. For a small fee, they will deliver the set and install it for you. There is no need to haul something that you've paid so much for.


Saturday, August 9, 2008

How to Burn DVDs with a Media Center PC to Watch Using a Dedicated DVD Player

Burning TV programs and other content onto a DVD can easily be done using Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005. Burning DVDs will allow you to enjoy watching the shows you love when you find the time in your busy schedule. Since the Media Center PC comes with limited storage space and TV shows can occupy a lot of space, burning DVDs is a good idea for programs you would like to keep for future viewing.

Insert a writable DVD disk into your Media Center DVD drive. Make sure the disk is blank or rewritable or else your system will not recognize the media.

Use the Start Button on your remote and select "My TV."

Use the arrows on the remote and go to "Recorded TV" on the My TV screen.

Select the program you wish to burn on the DVD from the list of recorded shows. Press the "More Info" button on your remote then select the "Create CD/DVD" option from the displayed list.

View the disc format screen and select "Video DVD" and press "OK." You will be asked to give a name to the DVD using the keys on the remote control.

Select "Create DVD" on the View DVD screen. The Initiating Copy dialog box will open, then select "Yes" to continue. Your DVD will start the burning process and may take several minutes as Media Center compresses the files so they will fit onto the disc.

Continue using your computer by selecting "OK" on the Creation Progress dialog box. Remove the DVD from the tray when the Media Center PC ejects it after it's finished burning.

Click "Done" on the Completing Disc Creation dialog box. Your DVD is now ready and you can watch the shows with any dedicated DVD player.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

How to Appreciate Features of LCD TV

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) TVs have become popular along with its plasma rivals. The LCD technology is fast providing the consumers with some amazing features.

Explore the progressive scan support that is provided by all LCD TVs. This feature provides a pleasing flat screen design and great visual quality.

Check out the compatibility for High Definition Television (HDTV). Many LCD TVs support this feature. The upgrade allows the users to have high quality of audio-visual advantage in their TV. LCD TVs also include several inputs, plug and play options making them versatile.

Find out the aspect ratio and video image conversion. Standard TVs have a 4:3 aspect ratio or 4 units wide and 3 units high. All LCD TVs with HDTV compatibility have a 16:9 aspect ratio. This means they are a little wider than standard TV proportions. The feature is worth appreciating, as it ensures that the stretch is least in the center where your eyes are focused and more at the corners, providing you with quality visual experience.

Appreciate the reverse 3:2 pulldown feature. Providing great quality pictures on TV requires processing the film into a video. It is a process to stretch and convert 24 frames of film onto 30 frames of video. Films that project at 24 frames per second are converted into 30 frames per second giving you a superior video quality. The reverse pulldown mechanism is important to slash the distortion created by progressive scan technology. As the new frames in the video are interlaced, it is not easy to find the original frame.

Check out the Picture in Picture (PIP) feature. Many times, you wonder how you can watch two channels or programs on the single screen. The PIP feature allows you to view your favorite TV show with a live sport event in small box, which can be moved around the four corners of the TV frame. The audio option is limited to one program, which you can choose. You can also flip the two programs from the main frame to the PIP box.

Explore the 3D Y/C Digital Comb Filter. It is the best type of comb filter available in the markets today. It separates the Y (Black and white) and C (color) elements from the video signal. This provides a superior picture quality. Additionally, it analyzes each frame of the picture in advance while comparing the three consecutive horizontal scan lines, thus ensuring best picture output.


Saturday, August 2, 2008

How to Align a Satellite TV

Once the dish antenna is installed, it needs to be aligned so it catches the signal transmitted from the satellite. In addition to receiving the signal, alignment of the dish needs to be tweaked for better quality reception. Similarly, the receiver needs to be tuned so that it works in tandem with the dish. Follow these steps to align your satellite TV.

Set up the dish antenna.

Adjust the low-noise block/feedback (LNBF) horn by slightly loosening the nuts and gently moving the dish from left to right.

Use the coaxial to connect the receiver to the dish LNBF.

Connect the receiver to your television set.

Switch on the television and the receiver.

Refer to the receiver manual for initial set up.

Determine the elevation level appropriate for your location and identify the elevation indicator on the dish. Adjust the elevation of the dish by loosening the elevation nuts and gently moving the dish up and down. The elevation indicator should line up with the elevation number for your location to adjust the dish properly.

Compare the channels broadcast on your TV with the channel guide to ensure that the dish is receiving signals from the correct satellite. In case the dish receives a signal from another satellite, you might end up watching programs you are not interested in or in a language you do not understand.

Focus the picture by moving the LNBF in and out.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

How to Adjust VCR Tracking

The weakest link in any VCR is the tape you just inserted into it. That Disney classic you picked up at the rental store may have been played 100 times (and that's just your kids). As the tape stretches with use, the picture gets distorted. Time to adjust the tracking.

Look on the front of the VCR for a tracking knob.

While the tape is playing, turn the knob to the left to see if the picture improves. If it does, leave it there.

If turning the knob to the left doesn't work, try turning it to the right to improve the picture.

When you're finished watching the video, return the knob to the central (neutral) position.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How to Add Surround Sound to Your Car

Surround sound has become all the rage in home entertainment and movie theaters. Now some car audio manufacturers are offering surround-sound components that are specifically designed for cars.

Consider your car. Is it a two-seater? If so, the rear speakers may have to be too close to the listeners. Is it a convertible? If it is, you won't be able to achieve the proper staging for a true surround-sound effect. If you are putting surround sound in a two-door or four-door sedan, you need to consider the size of the car. The rear speakers may be too close or too far away from the listeners in the front seats, and passengers in the backseat may not get the true effect of the center channel. If your vehicle is a sports utility vehicle, then you are dealing with a room that is rectangular, not square, and the people in the backseat may not get the true effect of the center channel.

Designing a Surround Sound System

Select a head unit that can wire into a surround-sound processor. Because the processor is digital, the head unit needs to supply a digital signal. Commonly, fiberoptic cables are used to transmit digital signals between components. If your head unit cannot supply digital signals, include a CD changer with fiberoptic connection and connect the processor to the CD changer. If you do this, you need to remember that if you play a CD on the head unit you will not get a surround-sound effect. You will get the effect only when you play CDs from the CD changer. If you do not want to connect the processor through the CD changer, select a surround-sound processor that can accept RCA signals from the radio and convert them to digital.

Include a high-end CD changer and/or DVD unit that can play the software that carries the surround-sound signals.

Purchase a five-channel amplifier that can serve the front speakers, the rear speakers, and the subwoofers. You are feeding sound to the four corners of the car, plus the subwoofers. Each corner and the subwoofers are separate channels.

Include a 4- to 6-inch midrange speaker and tweeter to serve as the center channel. This speaker combination needs to be in its own enclosure and should be placed in the center portion of the dashboard.

Select an amplifier to run the center-channel speakers. A modest two-channel amplifier played bridged mono will suffice.

Include an electronic crossover. The crossover can be outboard, or it can be built in to the amplifiers.

Speaker locations should be in the four corners of the car. Some cars have speaker locations that are well-placed for a surround-sound environment. Car manufacturers such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Porsche actually offer surround-sound systems. However, in other and older cars, you may have to improvise speaker placement to get the best effect. You may have to add a tweeter high on the door or pillar at about shoulder height, while placing the midrange speaker in the factory-made opening in the door. Use a passive crossover to compensate for the distance between the midrange speaker and the tweeter.

Set the electronic crossover (see "How to Set a Two-Way Electronic Crossover for Car Audio"). When setting up the crossover point for the center channel, keep in mind that you don't want to play it full range. Set the crossover point for the center channel at about 80 Hz and up.

Adjust the system once everything has been installed. Set the processor's adjustment in the middle, and first play with the amplifiers' gains. Turn the gain up until you just start to get distortion, and then turn it down just a little. Once the amplifiers' gains are set, you can fine-tune the system by setting the surround-sound processor.